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Is a Cyber ​​Pandemic Coming?

The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 has brought us into a new digital age for which we were not prepared. From one day to the next we moved to telecommuting, virtual education and managing almost our entire lives virtually. There are few companies, people and institutions that had systems prepared to face digitization, this security gap has been exploited by cybercriminals from all over the world, so much so that the global cost of cybercrime has reached 600,000 million dollars, about 0.8% of world GDP, and it continues to grow faster and faster. This is where we ask ourselves an important question: Are we at the gates of a global cyber pandemic?


  1. A year with extreme figures
  2. Main methods of Cyberattack
  3. Protect yourself with encryption

A year with extreme figures

Nearly one million people connect to the internet for the first time every day and two-thirds of the world’s population own a mobile device. This year all the figures have accelerated and the world has seen the need to migrate the vast majority of its processes to the web. However, our modus operandi is not to prevent but to act after, which is why there are few who had a cybersecurity framework that would prepare them for such a moment. This makes the web a juicy target for predators, hackers who stalk and attack people and businesses around the world. 

Cyber ​​attacks have increased by up to 100% in some countries around the world. Latin America is one of the flanks most affected by computer criminals, where more than 6 million hacking attempts are made per day alone. 2020 will go down in history as one of the most affected years in cybersecurity issues.

Thousands of companies and people have been affected, let us remember that not everything that happens is made public, so the figures can be even more chilling. This year we have seen malware such as Snake or Joker that have attacked cell phones and company systems, generating great losses and spying on private information on people’s cell phones. We have seen collapsed financial systems, intervened databases of official agencies, massively hijacked health systems, failures in customs and immigration controls, problems with electrical networks, among many others. Really crazy.

Companies like Tesla, Twitter, Mapfre, Honda, among many other well-known brands, have been hacked by cybercriminals. No one is safe and today is where we most need to think about cybersecurity. 

It might interest you:  “ The main Cyberattacks of 2020 ”

Main methods of Cyberattack

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the entire situation of the pandemic to do their thing. Information theft, ransomware, economic blackmail among many others are some of the techniques used by cyber hackers. What is the information we see the most on networks? Covid topics. For this reason, one of the new techniques that hackers are using is to create links or send text messages with supposed information about the pandemic so that people enter links and thus steal all their personal information.

Companies for their part are being the most affected. Teleconferences, files on the web, calls with confidential data, chats and many other aspects, become a very profitable target for criminals who can obtain information to sell it or request a payment to return it, steal financial data, among many others. 

This is why today more than ever we must think of cybersecurity as the vaccine to combat the cyberpandemic. As covid progresses and we are exposed to quarantines, teleworking, digital education and virtual communication, we will continue to rely on technology as a mechanism to move forward, but just as we are waiting for a vaccine to inject our body and improve our defenses against covid- 19, we must also inject a good dose of cybersecurity into technology and our communications to have much more protection against cyberattacks. This is where companies like  Encryptados.io  play an important role in providing solutions to people and companies.

Protect yourself with encryption

Encryptados.io  is a company committed to cybersecurity, privacy and the importance of protecting personal information. You can find  encrypted cell phones  from the best brands worldwide that will give you military-grade protection in all your communications, keeping all the information that enters and leaves the device secure. 

You can also find alternatives such as the  Encrypted Sim  that will give you total anonymity and privacy, turning you into a ghost on the network and keeping your communications secure. Or the  encrypted applications  with which you can chat, make calls, send voice notes, photos and videos with the certainty that all this information will be protected and far from the reach of cybercriminals.

Don’t wait to be the next victim and start protecting yourself with  Encryptados.io

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