Snake was the computer virus that affected 2020, companies like Honda, Fresenius and Enel were some of those affected. Encrypted is the best option to protect you.
2020 has been an atypical year for the entire world, the pandemic and the covid-19 virus have affected everyone, forcing humanity to reinvent itself and seek alternatives in the digital world. However, the coronavirus has not been the only virus that has affected this year, on the web we find another cyber virus that was the terror of many companies this year, it is the Snake or Ekans virus.
What is snake virus
The Snake or Ekans virus is a cyber virus discovered at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 and has the ability to affect the industrial control systems of companies. These systems are responsible for controlling and regulating all company processes. energy, communications, networks among others. This is why it is so fearsome and lethal, since it is one of the few ransomware in history capable of affecting these systems, it is an elaborate virus that is difficult to eradicate, without a doubt, it is as lethal as a snake.
Ekans is capable of breaking into about 64 software processes and its purpose is to encrypt company information to subsequently request a payment, but not without first threatening to make the organization’s confidential information public or even delete it.
It is unknown who the possible creators of this virus are, but it is assumed that they are cybercriminals with extensive computer knowledge due to the specialty with which it was created, some other versions indicate that it may be the result of a government entity.
Who are Snake’s favorite victims? Large companies, but especially hospitals, who, in addition to fighting covid-19 on a daily basis, have had to deal with their computer systems being attacked by the Snake ransomware.
Companies affected by the Snake virus

Many companies have been affected by this powerful virus, among them two companies stand out. The first of these is Fresenius, which is the largest and most important hospital operator in the entire old continent, Europe. During the month of May, several carriers of this important company confirmed in statements that their hospitals, in addition to facing a daily fight with Covid-19, were also having to deal with an outbreak of a computer virus that was affecting the correct operation. of its network of hospitals.
Although at no time did the hospitals stop working, they did present delays in their computer processes and a constant concern that at any moment their technical systems, networks and software could collapse, which would represent a very serious risk for all the patients they were receiving. due to the pandemic and other conditions. Fortunately it was possible to control it and it did not happen to majors. Can you imagine what could happen if computer systems, technical equipment and hospital networks stopped working?
In July of this year, it was revealed that another large company had been the victim of the fearsome ransomware, this time the turn was none other than Honda. It was through the social networks of the same company that it was reported that the financial and customer service systems of the giant Japanese were out of operation, due to alleged “technical problems”. Weeks later, Honda spokesmen confirmed that they had been victims of the Ekans or Snake computer virus.
Another of the large companies affected was the Italian multinational Enel, who are providers and distributors of electricity and gas. Its headquarters in Argentina suffered an assault by Snake in September, which compromised its systems but was contained in time before it managed to infect the entire organization.
Like these companies, many were affected in 2020 by the terrifying Snake virus. Many other companies fear being the next victims and have increased their cybersecurity processes and protocols in order to prevent a possible attack that could mean large economic losses and a setback in all their processes.
When it comes to cybersecurity, is the ideal option to protect ourselves and start increasing our computer security.
It might interest you: “The main Cyberattacks of 2020”
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