Whatsapp, Telegram and even Signal are messaging apps that put our communications at risk. Although they all promise end-to-end encrypted chats and other privacy policies, in reality they are simple protocols, easy to hack, which make users vulnerable.
Another concern with Whatsapp and Telegram is the security of the data transmitted. Although both apps offer some level of encryption, they do not use end-to-end encryption by default in all cases. This means that messages and files can potentially be accessible to third parties or even the companies that manage these applications.
Whatsapp also records your interactions within the application, such as the groups you join, the contacts you communicate with and the messages you send and receive.
What are the associated risks? These data collected by Whatsapp or Telegram may pose some risks to the privacy of users.
One of them is the fact of sharing information with third parties: Whatsapp for example, as a property of Facebook, shares certain user information with the parent company and other business partners. This may include information related to your interactions on Whatsapp, raising concerns about how your personal information is used and shared.
Also personalized advertising: With access to your phone number and other personal data, Whatsapp and Telegram can use this information to personalize ads within the platform and in the case of Whatsapp, on other Facebook services. This can make you feel watched and raise questions about the privacy of your data.
There are safer alternatives on the market that offer greater privacy and security. These end-to-end encrypted messaging apps ensure that only you and the recipient can access the messages, keeping them protected from any spying or interception attempts.
By choosing more secure and encrypted alternatives, we can protect our privacy and keep our personal data away from unwanted hands. Furthermore, by encouraging the use of these applications, we drive greater demand for privacy and security in the digital sphere.
Using the wrong network (blockchain) will result in the loss of funds.
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