Cybersecurity, a term that sometimes seemed so foreign and distant to us or to which we even gave little importance. Today it is much more relevant and has gained great strength after a difficult 2020, not only in health issues, but also in digital security issues.
According to recent international studies, economic losses due to cyberattacks multiplied by 6 in 2020 compared to 2019. Going from an average of 9,000 euros per year to 51,200 for each company. Some companies are doing more to protect themselves against cybercriminals and malicious viruses, others are taking measures that are a little less expensive but offer good security. Regardless of the size of the company, it is essential to have security protocols and software to protect the information, communications and privacy of the organization. Is your company adopting cybersecurity measures for 2021? If not, it is important that they begin to do so and today we bring 5 tips to begin applying digital and computer security in any organization.
5 tips to improve cybersecurity
1. Put passwords to good use. Any company cybersecurity plan or protocol must start with the basics. Things as simple as paying attention to the correct creation and use of passwords. One of the main security breaches today in organizations is something as basic as the misuse of passwords. Access to those who do not have the key must be blocked, they must comply with a complex and robust creation, they must be changed constantly and if they are saved, they must be stored safely. With teleworking, yes, we must give importance to this point and train employees so that they know how to use it well and they themselves are responsible for contributing to the company’s cybersecurity.

2. “Zero trust” policy. This concept is used by the big cybersecurity companies and it is because, as Aristophanes, a renowned Greek playwright, said, “distrust is the mother of security”. When we talk about zero trust, we mean not trusting devices or human error. This is why the principle of least privilege must be implemented together with this, that is, all internal users of the organization must have only the minimum and strictly necessary access to data and important information of the company, such as financial data, passwords, devices and protocols among others. If necessary, it is also recommended to audit and periodically monitor some of our staff’s processes. Let’s not take distrust as something bad,
On the other hand, we should not leave everything in the hands of software or a device, it is important that we constantly update it, study it to verify that it is doing its job well and, as far as possible, improve it with other components that make the company increasingly rely on robust cybersecurity.
3. Move away from local administrator rights and implement process-level security. One of the big trends in cybersecurity is the elimination of local administrator rights and the implementation of centralized management at the level of applications and processes in a safe and automated way. This allows you to prevent phishing and be safe against malware or any other unknown threat and the best thing is that it does not hinder the work of employees or their productivity.
4. Foster an internal culture of cybersecurity. We must implement and foster an organizational culture that embraces digital and IT security. All employees must have a general and collective mindset of protection and liking for cybersecurity in a way that is oriented towards the company’s achievements and minimizing human error. This will significantly improve the processes and the same language will be spoken, which will make it difficult for any third party to interfere.
5. Implement cybersecurity devices and software. An important point if you want to improve the cybersecurity of the entire company is to start implementing devices and/or software that take the privacy and security of your company to a higher level. Cybersecurity elements are not unattainable as many think, you can opt for mobile devices such as encrypted cell phones to have all secure communications or use special encrypted applications for all videoconferences and the sending of documents, photos or relevant data. It is also important that you have powerful antivirus and other software that protects all the sensitive information of the organization.
Meet Encriptados

You can also learn about our encrypted sim card , the Encrypted Sim , which is designed to offer anonymity, privacy and security, you will not be able to be intervened, located and will give an additional layer of security to your mobile device.
Start protecting your company with Encriptados. Your safety in the hands of the best.
At we are committed to cybersecurity, that’s why we bring solutions within everyone’s reach. We have the best encrypted cell phone brands in the world, which will offer you privacy, security and confidentiality in all your calls, chats and emails. We also have guaranteed encrypted applications to communicate with other members of the organization and create group chats or video conferences with total security and privacy. In addition, you can also use them in their desktop version.