Social networks have become an important means of communication and we have integrated them into our lives as one more extension of our daily lives. We could almost say that we lead a physical life and at the same time, a digital life where we interact, share and communicate virtually with family, friends, colleagues and people from all over the world, in real time.
However, the fact of being active all the time on social networks and sharing too much information implies a fairly high risk for our security and integrity since we do not know who may be observing our profiles, photos or comments, and as in the real world, the digital world is full of malicious and dangerous people.
This is why it is important to know what to share and what not to share on our social networks to keep our privacy safe and avoid becoming victims of a crime.
1. 10 things you should never share on your social networks
2. Protect yourself with encryption
10 things you should never share on your social networks
For this reason, today we bring you 10 things that you should avoid sharing at all costs on your social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, TikTok and on any type of digital platform.
- Your email address
You should avoid posting your email or having it visible in the personal information field. If third parties have access to it, they can flood your inbox with advertisements and spam and even try to get you to fall for malicious links or Trojan viruses.
- your contact number
Similarly, do not publish your contact number anywhere as malicious people can contact you posing as sellers or people close to you and steal sensitive personal data that they will use to commit crimes.
- Your location or location
It seems obvious, but the truth is that most people forget to deactivate location permissions in their social networks, so all the time you are saying where you are and you are showing possible hackers or criminals your frequent places and even the hours. that you are not at home, that is why it is of the utmost importance that you do not give location permissions to social networks and any application if it is not strictly necessary.
In the same way it is very important that when you upload a photo you do not put the exact place because you are publishing your current location. Our recommendation is that if you travel or go out and want to upload a photo of a specific place, do it a couple of hours after you were there, even days, in order to prevent third parties from knowing your movements and the places you frequent.

- Boarding passes or vaccination card
Who doesn’t like to travel and brag about it? This is very good, but following the recommendation of the previous point, we should also avoid publishing photos of boarding passes or even vaccination cards. Firstly, because the criminals will know that we are not at home and secondly because in these documents the name, dates of birth, identity document and many other data that can be stolen by a cybercriminal to start committing crimes will be visible.
- the symbol of peace
Posing showing two fingers has become a habit, especially in young people, however, recent studies by the National Institute of Informatics in Japan and revealed to the BBC, have shown that cybercriminals can use these photos to extract the fingerprints of the users with quite dangerous purposes, taking into account that now cell phones and even banking applications work with biometric data such as fingerprints. So try to find a new pose to replace the peace symbol.
- Information about your work
On the one hand, it is recommended not to publish the place where you work since people will know your real location all the time and where to find you. On the other hand, our recommendation is that you do not post things related to your work such as complaints, negative comments or of any kind. Did you know that companies now check the social networks of candidates before hiring them? And some others are constantly looking at the profiles of their employees. That is why the recommendation is to try to be very professional and cautious. Separate the work from the personal and always ask yourself what is the image you want to give.
- Information or photos of our children
Sharing photos and statuses with our children, nephews or children is fun, however it is dangerous. We do not know who can access these photos, download them and use them. In addition, we all have the right to privacy and children have not yet developed enough personality to decide whether or not they want to appear on social networks, so we must respect their image and avoid sharing as much as possible, photos and data of the little ones. of the family.
- Private or personal documents
Sometimes we post a status, photo, or screenshot of something without realizing all the information a photo might contain. It is important to avoid publishing any type of personal information, documents or files that contain sensitive data such as documents, accounts, full names or dates of birth. We do not know who is lurking and waiting for these kinds of opportunities to steal personal information.
- personal conversations
Avoid putting screenshots of conversations or stories with chats. What is private is private and you must keep the line between public and private clear, starting because many times people publish these types of conversations without the permission of the other party, which is clearly a violation of privacy. Try to be cautious and delicate with your conversations.
- Your plans
There are people who use social networks as a personal diary, writing what they are doing, what happened to them and what they will do. Giving third parties a whole map to know how to act with them, how to approach them, find out their tastes, know where they are or what places they frequent. Without realizing it, we are telling thousands or even millions of people about our entire private life, and on social networks there are many dangerous people who are precisely looking for these types of profiles. So be aware and keep your private life that way, private.
Protect yourself with encryption

If you want to start improving your digital security then it is important that you know , experts in secure communications.
We have the best encrypted applications on the market so that all your chats, photos, videos and documents that you share are kept encrypted and safe, far from the reach of any malicious third party.
You can also learn about the best encrypted cell phone brands on the market with military technology so that everything that enters and leaves your phone is protected and 100% encrypted. Or you can opt for our Encrypted Sim , an encrypted sim card that connects you anywhere in the world and will give your cell phone a strong layer of security so you can communicate safely without overpaying.
Get to know all our solutions and stay safe in the digital world.